A gateway factory's job is to create a gateway.

There can be many gateway factories, but as such the only one for now is this one, which creates a gateway assuming that the data to be processed is in an http request and thus available through the usual php globals

package Amfphp_Core
author Ariel Sommeria-Klein


create the gateway.

createGateway(\Amfphp_Core_Config $config) : \Amfphp_Core_Gateway

content type is recovered by looking at the GET parameter contentType. If it isn't set, it looks in the content headers.




optional. If null, the gateway will use the default


there seems to be some confusion in the php doc as to where best to get the raw post data from.

getRawPostData() : \<String>

try $GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'] and php://input


\<String>it's a binary stream, but there seems to be no better type than String for this.